Spring has come. Yay! This is my favourite time of year. Not only because your breath no longer descends from your mouth in clouds, or because the trees are blossoming, or because it becomes acceptable to order a frappucino (although the latter does make me very content!).. it is especially my favourite time of year to wear fashion. The light breeze and temperature hovering around 17 degrees (at least here in Europe), makes spring every fashionistas friend. No longer do we have to cover up with 3 pairs of tights and jackets that make the Michelin man look skinny, neither is it so hot that even the thought of wearing anything other than tiny crop tops makes sweat drop from your brow. Spring is the perfect time for floaty dresses matched with big boots and light jackets (waterproof preferably!), and in my wardrobe, elegance meets grunge spring /11.
Vero Moda Cut-Back Dress by ASOS, Topshop Chiffon Smock, Topshop Mesh Maxi, Office Tiziri Sandals, Wheels & Dollbaby Singlet Dress by ASOS
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